Nuclear Energy

It has been seen in the curve of binding energy per nucleon vs Atomic Number that  binding energy per nucleon  a long flat middle region between A = 30 and A = 170. 

In this region the binding energy per nucleon is nearly constant (8.0 MeV). For the lighter nuclei region, A < 30, and for the heavier nuclei region, A > 170, the binding energy per nucleon is less than 8.0 MeV. This feature of the binding energy curve means that nuclei in the middle region 30 < A <170 are more tightly bound than nuclei with A < 30 and A > 170. 

Energy then can be released if lighter nuclei or heavier nuclei are transmuted into more tightly bound nuclei. Two such processes are fission and fusion.

Nuclear fission 

Nuclear fission of U235

Nuclear fission is the process in which a large nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei with the release of energy. 

Example: if 92U235 bombarded with a neutron (0n1) the Uranium nucleus may splits into two nuclei like 56Ba141 and 36Kr92. As a result of this fission three neutrons (0n1) and 200 MeV are released.

Equation: 0n92U235  -------> 56Ba141 36Kr92 + 3 0n1 + 200MeV

Nuclear fusion 

Nuclear Fusion of  deuterium (1H2) and tritium (1H3)

Nuclear fusion is the process in which two small nuclei are combined to form a larger nucleus with the release of energy. 

Example: If deuterium (1H2) and tritium (1H3), two isotopes of hydrogen, are fused to form a nucleus of helium (2He4) and a neutron (0n1). This fusion releases 17.59 MeV of energy. 

Equation : 1H2 + 1H3 ---------> 2He4 + 0n1 + 17.59 MeV