
When one body struck another body, the collision is said to occur in two.

Type of Collision

 1. Elastic Collision
A collision in which there is absolute no loss of kinetic energy is called Elastic Collision.
Elastic Collision

Characteristic of Elastic Collision
  • ·     Linear momentum is conserved
  • ·     Kinetic energy is conserved
  • ·     Total energy is conserved

 2. Inelastic Collision
A collision in which there occurs in some loss of kinetic energy is called Inelastic Collision.

Characteristic of Inelastic Collision
  • ·         Linear momentum is conserved  
  • ·         Kinetic energy is not conserved
  • ·         Total energy is not conserved

3. Perfect  Inelastic Collision
A collision in which there   occurs maximum loss of energy is called Perfect Inelastic Collision.

Perfect  Inelastic Collision

Coefficient of Restitution (e)

Coefficient of restitution is defined as the ratio of relative velocity of separation after collision to the relative velocity of approach before collision.

If relative velocity before collision = U1 – U2 and relative velocity after collision= V– V1

Then Coefficient of Restitution (e) = V2 – V1 / U1 – U2

If e = 1 (Then it is called Elastic Collision)
If e = 0 (Then it is called Perfectly Inelastic Collision)
If 0 < e < 1 (Then it is called Inelastic Collision)